Please find attached our recent year group newsletters. We can’t wait to share all of the wonderful things we will be learning about with you.
Nursery Spring Newsletter
Nursery A Nativity
Please find attached some clips from our Nursery A nativity.
Nursery B’s Christmas Performance
Please find attached some snippets from our Nursery B’s nativity.
Christmas Party Day 2020 – Nursery
Nursery had such fun celebrating their party days. We hope you enjoy scrolling through the photos below.
Merry Christmas from Nursery B
Merry Christmas from Nursery B.
Merry Christmas from Nursery A
Merry Christmas from Nursery A.
Anti-Bullying Week in Nursery
This week in Nursery we have talked about anti- bullying week. We listened to a story all about sharing and talked about the ways we can be a good friend. Some of the words we used were, ‘Kind’, ‘Share’, ‘Play’ and ‘Help’. We are all super friends in our Nursery Team!