On 1st December 2020, St Aloysius joined Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust (Companies House : 09940352). Details regarding the Members and Directors of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust can be obtained from www.get-information-schools.service.gov.uk or bccet.org.uk
Parent Governors are the first port of call for those involved in the school community. They have been elected by the parents of the school and they will serve on the Governing Board for 4 years. They can be a good source of information about the school and may be able to offer support and advice if you have particular queries. They are happy for you to approach them directly if you see them in school at the start or end of the day. Our Parent Governor is Vikki Michelle Thompson.
The Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office. Our school Chair of Governors is: Wendy Woods
Please remember it is not the role of parent governors to deal with complaints. These should be discussed with the relevant member of school staff, for example the class teacher, the Headteacher or Deputy Head teacher. The Governing Board is always keen to find out the views of parents and other members of the school community on how the school should be developing in the future. Governors may come to Parent Teacher Consultation Evenings for this purpose, but are also interested to receive feedback at other times.
StAloysius Current governors 19.03.24
St Aloysius LGC Governors who have left in the last 12 months 19.3.24
St Aloysius LGB Terms of Office and Attendance