Data Analysis 2019
Nursery Data Headlines 2019
A significant minority of children enter with skills well below those which are typical for their age. Children’s development in the prime areas of learning were particularly low on entry.
- Children make very good progress during their time in nursery, attainment is rising fast and now an increasing number leave the nursery at age related expectations.
- Children catch up quickly because of a highly effective early years curriculum which promotes challenge and high expectations.
- Girls performed better than boys but both groups made excellent progress. Boys progress is accelerating fast as a result of excellent teaching.
- Transition into Nursery and into Reception class is outstanding.
End of Reception
Skills on Entry: A significant number of children join the school with skills below age expectations with a significant number of children joining the schools with complex additional needs
End of EYFS analysis
- The percentage achieving the Good Level of Development (GLD) shows a steady trend of improvement: consistently above average.
- Children get a very good start in Nursery and continue to make outstanding progress in Reception. Attainment is above average as a result of exceptional teaching. A significant minority of children enter the Nursery with skills and knowledge which are typically well below what is expected for their age.
- Careful monitoring ensured that all children made very strong progress. School is aware that there remains a gender gap, with boys performing less well. Actions are in place to address this including an exciting curriculum which supports early reading, writing and number. Those who do not achieve the GLD have additional needs and their progress is still strong from their lower baseline.
- Those pupils identified as disadvantaged achieve well in EYFS, in 2019 there were eight of them and they all made excellent progress. Additional support provided invaluable early intervention, where appropriate. The pupils worked with skilled professionals and agencies to maximise their learning.
- Special Educational Needs (SEND) attainment is well below that of all pupils. Only a very small number of pupils are registered as SEN in the Reception cohort; those who are, often have very complex needs. Staff are adept at matching provision to the needs of the pupils. Monitoring reveals that the impact of the additional support is highly effective.
- The level of challenge planned for the most able children is clearly evident in the percentage who exceeded expectations: 15% in Reading, 18% in Writing and 15% in Mathematics.
- In 2021, it is projected that most pupils attain the expected standard. Pupils reading, writing and maths skills are well taught which results in most pupils ready for Y1. For those pupils who do not achieve the standard, highly effective intervention is put in place quickly to ensure progress for them is strong.
- To continue to improve provision for pupils with SEND by further building upon our highly effective early intervention offer; developing a learning space that provides a base for a ‘semi-formal’ curriculum
- Further close the gap between boys and girls, achieving GLD.
Teachers provide highly effective support for pupils with SEND. As a result, these pupils make very good progress’ (Ofsted, 2019)
Year 1 Phonics Screen
- Phonics provision remains highly effective and outcomes are consistently above national. Boys and girls perform well (in line with National averages) however girls consistently outperform boys.
- 2019 results show a gap between the performance of our disadvantaged/ SEN pupils and other children. School is aware of this and is working hard to address it. However it is a very small cohort so percentages should be taken with caution. Two children did not meet the required standard after retesting in Year 2, both are on our SEN register and undergoing assessment from external professionals. All pupils have made progress since testing in 2018. The number of pupils who achieve the expected standard by the end of Year 2 is still higher than national averages. School has however recognised that there remains a small minority of pupils who are not meeting the required standard despite intervention. We are investing in whole staff training and development of phonics teaching in school through the ‘Sounds, Write’ programme, this will further support the continuity of approach and consistency within year groups and across key phases in Early Reading and Spelling..
- Projections for 2020/21 for Y1 phonics are very strong
- Overall, pupils in KS1 show a very secure grasp of the principles of reading.
Attainment Outcomes: End of Year 2
KS1 Analysis
- Pupils make strong progress across Years 1 and 2 from their different starting points. When compared with pupils nationally and locally, the attainment of Year 2 pupils in 2019 was high in all subjects.
- In addition, the proportion of pupils achieving the greater depth standard are above average. These figures represent outstanding progress for our pupils.
- Books of current pupils and projections for 2020 show this above average trend is expected to continue.
- The pupils who are eligible for support from the pupil premium funding (10) made excellent progress in all subjects, some from their well below starting points. The 2019 Year 2 cohort has presented particular challenges with three disadvantaged pupils who also had significant additional special educational needs (2 with very complex needs). Disadvantaged pupils without additional SEN attain very well and in most cases there is no gap between them and their peers at the expected level.
- Girls performed better than boys in English.
- Gaps in attainment close within school, also disadvantaged pupils perform in line with the national averages for all pupils.
- Whilst the attainment of the pupils who have special educational needs (8 pupils in Y2 in 2019) was lower than the rest of the class, all achieved well. This is as a result of receiving tailored, high-quality support in class and through additional specialist help when required.
- Monitoring and tracking has consistently recognised outstanding teaching and learning and progress in Year 2 books.
- Pupils are very well prepared with skills and knowledge as they enter Key Stage Two. Overall the quality of teaching is consistently effective. Teachers plan and pitch work sharply to enable pupils to make very strong progress from their starting points.
Pupils have strong and purposeful attitudes to learning. Teachers have developed an exciting learning environment where pupils thrive in their work and play. (Ofsted, 2019)
The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.
End of Year 6 Attainment
KS2 Attainment analysis
Pupils’ attainment at the end of key stage 2 in reading, writing and mathematics has remained consistently above the national average over time and achievement is high. Attainment dipped in Reading and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) in 2019 however the overall remains above average and projections for 2020 are strong.
Pupils attain highly and make strong progress across the curriculum. Current pupils are making rapid and sustained progress across all year groups and in all subjects.
The overall proportions reaching the expected standard in the all-important combined reading, writing and mathematics result is 9% higher than the national average
The school’s results show attainment which is above the national average in reading, writing, grammar, spelling and punctuation and mathematics individually. They have dipped from a high in 2018 in Reading and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.
The combined higher level for all children in Reading, Writing and Maths is in line with national averages. Raising this score remains a school improvement priority.
The average scaled score for all subjects above national averages. There are a number of children who were within one or two marks from achieving the age expected standard or above, this had the impact of the lower scores in 2019.
Those pupils identified as disadvantaged performed well in all subjects. Attainment is lower in Reading in particular. We have tight monitoring procedures to ensure it is not a teaching and learning issue. The children who did not gain the standard also had identified Special Needs.
From their starting points, pupils who have special educational needs make strong and sustained progress because of the excellent support they receive from staff. SEN pupils achieve well. The scores are lower than the average for all pupils but their progress is very strong.
We know there is a difference in attainment and progress for disadvantaged pupils when compared with pupils nationally. The school’s assessment information identifies both areas of strength and areas to target further. Pupils consistently achieve as well as they can and are given excellent support. We use pupil premium funding and special educational needs funding effectively to put interventions in place. We carefully track the individual attainment and progress of disadvantaged pupils rigorously. Early intervention has been particularly effective this year and plans are in place to further strengthen this provision next year.
Engagement of vulnerable families is particularly strong and effective projects have been implemented this term to extend the provision beyond the adult to the adult and child working together.
This year, boys overall, perform better than girls. This is due to a number of low attaining SEN pupils who are also disadvantaged and girls.
Across the school, most pupils in all classes in KS2 are operating at age expected levels with a significant minority of pupils operating at a higher level than expected for their year group. Virtually all pupils are making expected progress or better. Where they are not, it is as a result of a barrier to learning which the school is working with them to overcome
- Progress across the school for all groups of pupils remains outstanding. Progress was lower in Reading and Maths than previously however, this it was still close to being above average and the progress in books was very strong.
- In recent years, pupils have made above average progress across key stage 2. Data from the last three years shows rates of progress have been high. In 2019, they are slightly lower in Reading and Maths but still show strong progress.
- From their starting points, pupils who have special educational needs make strong and sustained progress because of the excellent support they receive from staff. SEN pupils achieve well. Pupils who have special educational needs benefit from high-quality support. They make rapid progress from their starting points. They are reaching ever higher standards by the time they leave school.
- The school’s work to close the gaps between disadvantaged pupils and their peers is highly effective. Whilst the figurers have dipped from a high in 2018 they are still positive. Typical Disadvantaged pupils (ie those without SEND achieved very well and make rapid progress in school.
- More-able pupils are well served at school. Expert planning helps to stretch them and they are set challenging goals, enabling them to also make impressive progress from their starting points. Despite this, the more able pupils progress is a school improvement priority.
For links to both schools performance tables please click on the links below: