The curriculum at St. Aloysius begins in the Early Years and all subjects run through Key Stage one and Key Stage two. The curriculum has been designed so that is consistent and clear from Primary to Secondary. In Key Stage One and Two, pupils follow the National Curriculum. Within the National Curriculum, pupils have to study the following subjects. Children will be given support and challenge in their work and there will be high expectations for their behaviour. Diversity, effort, achievement and care for others will all be encouraged, recognised and celebrated.
Children love to play, explore, ask questions, imagine, try things out, and become good at new skills – consequently they are always learning! In school our task is to structure their experience so that they learn as much as possible in key areas, and take part in a broad and varied programme of learning activities, which reflects the richness and diversity of both the human and natural world.
Click here to see how at St. Aloysius, we know more and remember more…
Click here to see how at St. Aloysius we take our Curriculum into the Community
Click here to see ARISE – Character Education @ St Aloysius
Click here to read about our POP project
Click here to read about our Forest School – The Secret Garden
Click here to read about Cultural Capital at St. Aloysius
Whole School Focus Days/Weeks
Art and Design
Design and Technology
Design Technology – Workshop @St Aloysius
Design Technology – Cooking and Nutrition @ St Aloysius
Design and Technology Curriculum Map
Design and Technology Assessment
Design Technology in Early Years
Design and Technology Ambassadors
Assessment – NCETM – Ready to progress Criteria
Modern Foreign Languages
Music Development Plan Summary
Personal Development
Personal Development @ St Aloysius
Personal Development in Early Years
Personal Development Assessment
Physical Education