St Aloysius is a Catholic School, situated in Hebburn, Tyne and Wear. The school is located on two separate sites positioned close together. The Infant and Nursery School share one site and the Junior School is on a separate site.
The school has a Nursery class for 66 children on a part-time basis (33 in each group). The school is organised on a two-form entry basis, with a maximum of 30 children in each class group. The classes are all mixed ability and have a balance of autumn, spring and summer births within each cohort.
All staff, both teaching and non-teaching, play a valuable part in supporting the development of our children.
We have a federated Governing Board comprising 12 governors, meaning that they are responsible for both the Infant and Junior school. Mrs Tumelty, as Executive Head Teacher, shares joint responsibility with the governors for managing the two schools.
The home is where education begins and we aim to build on this by enriching the children’s experience of living in a Christian atmosphere of love, understanding and security. Children who are 4 years old before 31st August will begin school in the following autumn term. Those children in our nursery who are starting St Aloysius Infant School spend a few sessions in their designated Reception class during the latter part of the summer term. They also play alongside the Reception children in the outdoor learning environment and become familiar with the Reception staff who visit the nursery class.
A meeting is held in the summer term for the parents of those children starting school in the following September. Parents will have the opportunity to meet all staff involved with children in our school. It is vital that parents or a representative attend this meeting as this seals your acceptance into our school family. At this meeting we make time to chat with parents so that we can get a clear picture of each child’s personal needs and discuss health or dietary issues.
Parents will need to complete an application form supplied by the Local Authority to secure a place at a Junior school when your child is in Year Two as there is no automatic transfer to any Junior school (this includes St Aloysius Juniors).
Using this link you can apply for your child’s Infant or Junior School place online.
For those parents/carers who have pupils in year 6, this link will take you to the South Tyneside admissions page, should you wish your child to attend a Comprehensive school within the Borough.