At St. Aloysius, each child’s ‘Learning Journey’ begins in Early Years. Early Years is the bedrock of all learning and is a critical stage of each child’s development.
In Nursery and Reception we follow the Early Years Statutory Framework. The Framework specifies the requirement for learning and development in Early Years and provides specific areas for learning which we cover as part of our curriculum.
These areas are:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language Development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Art and Design
Curriculum Intent
Pupils will develop language acquisition and expand their vocabulary in order to become confident and effective communicators.
Pupils will extend their understanding in personal, social and emotional development in order to become resilient and self assured learners.
Pupils will be taught how to manage their feelings and behaviour in a range of situations.
Pupils will develop their knowledge in early literacy and mathematics.
Pupils will acquire a range of physical key skills including: rolling, bowling, throwing, catching, fine and gross motor control.
Pupils will acquire a range of artistic key skills including: drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, textiles, printing.
Pupils will explore the world around them and deepen their understanding of living things and the environment.
Pupils will experience a curriculum immersed in story and literature.
Pupils will begin to transfer their learning (taught skills) into the wider environment especially the outdoors and become competent problem solvers.
Our Early Years curriculum is delivered through:
Teacher directed lessons and learning activities.
Well planned and purposeful play-based activities.
Child led activities.
Opportunities for exploration, choice and decision making by the children.
Well resourced indoor and outdoor environments.
For further information on our Nursery and Reception we have the following PDFs with greater detail about our ethos, our environment and how we involve you as parents and carers.
Setting Strong Foundations in Early Years
Strong Foundations @ St Aloysius – English
Strong Foundations @St Aloysius – Maths
EYFS Overviews
The EYFS Curriculum
Design Technology in Early Years
Personal Development in the Early Years