Thank you to our Reception parents and children for attending our first Kindness Cafe. It was a lovely morning and the children were so excited to have breakfast together!
Cookery Club
This week the children made savoury wraps, choosing their own fillings and preparing ingredients independently. They perfected their claw hold while chopping the cucumber and tomatoes and enjoyed grating the carrots and cheese. The process of grating took great concentration; the children had to apply lots of pressure, testing their finger muscles. Great coordination, well done! The children were very proud of their tasty looking wraps.
Melting Ice
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On Tuesday, our little scientists in Reception carried out an experiment. They made predictions about which materials would have the greatest effect on melting ice. The children discovered that vinegar and sugar DO NOT make ice melt but salt and hot water DO make ice melt. Well done Reception!
Reception’s Cookery Club
This week the children in Reception followed a dairy free recipe to make dough. They listened carefully to instructions, used their maths skills to add ingredients and worked their finger muscles while kneading their dough. Their dough looked amazing and we can’t wait to find out how it turned out after they baked it at home.
Reception’s First Cookery Club
On Monday, Reception children had their first cooking club. They learned about the importance of washing their hands before handling food. We discussed how to use a knife safely and they learned the bridge cut and claw cut; everyone was able to chop their own fruit to make fruit kebabs. Well done!
Nurse Visit
The nurses came to visit us. They talked to us about two very important things.
1) How to wash our hands.
We listened to the story ‘Hey Duggee – The Handwashing Badge’ and it told us how easily germs can spread. We then learnt a song to sing whilst we wash our hands.
2) Keeping our teeth clean and healthy.
We know that you need to brush your teeth twice a day and should drink at least 6 cups of water. We explored different food and liquids which are healthy and unhealthy.
Mark Making
In expressive arts and design this half-term, we have been looking at mark making. This week we have been looking at marks in nature. We explored the texture and lines in leaves and made our own leaf prints using wax crayons, paint, ink and printing in play dough. We had lots of fun.
Phonics Cafe
A big thank you to Reception parents for coming to our Phonics Cafe. It was lovely to see how excited the children were to show off their phonics skills!
Other Faiths
As part of our Personal Development Day, Miss Hussain talked to us about her religion. She shared a lovely story ‘The Proudest Blue’ and explained that wearing her hijab is part of her faith and that she wears it to cover her hair, neck and ears. We learnt that Muslim women wear a hijab and men wear a turban or hat when praying and that they pray 5 times a day. We talked about how important it is to respect one another and celebrate our differences. We loved trying on hijabs and learning about Miss Hussain’s faith.
Conker season
Today in our secret garden session Reception explored conkers. We looked at how they are hidden in spiky shells. We used real hammers to remove them from their shells. We discussed our safety rules first by using two hands and also protecting our eyes with safety glasses. Reception listened and everyone was very sensible. Well done Reception.