Every week, Year Six have a problem solving lesson where they work together in groups to tackle tricky maths problems. This week, our new theme was trial and improvement so we realised very quickly that the only way to approach this unit was to try and improve every time, therefore we needed to be resilient when we didn’t get the correct answer first time around. Working together, we thought about what we know from the question, what we don’t know and what the question is asking us to do and highlighted this in different colours to represent this. After this, we identified that in order to answer this question, we would need to remember what square numbers were and how to identify them. We did this together as a class so that we could use this information when trying different options. Finally, we worked as a group to consider different possibilities and by the end of the lesson, we created a circle using all of the numbers in the blue box. The excitement throughout our classrooms was amazing when we found solutions!
Well done Year 6, we are very proud of how resilient you were.